Our Mission

10th House Astrology was built for those who are curious to learn about how they can apply metaphysical sciences to improve their everyday lives. It is a name that will serve as a beacon for seekers and teachers alike so that we can come together and share our gifts to help move humanity forward.

Our mission is to help you better understand yourself, the universe and your place in it because we believe that when we align what we do with who we came here to be, we raise the vibration of our planet and create a better future for all. It all starts with a single step.

Your dream is not just a dream — it’s a calling.

We believe that soul level fulfillment results from aligning what you do with who you really are — and you’re here because you think so too. You have the dream of becoming a full time entrepreneur making a positive impact on the world through your business, but keep getting stuck when it comes to taking the action required to make that dream your reality.

10th House Astrology was founded so that you don’t have to take that journey alone, anymore. We understand that becoming an entrepreneur is so much more than just starting a business and design our products and services to offer holistic support you need to catalyze your shift into your dream as if the world depends on it.

About Marissa

Marissa is a ex-corporate leader turned Business Astrologer on a mission to help soul-led entrepreneurs build sustainable businesses that help raise the vibration of the planet while supporting their financial, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

She believes that our purpose is simple - to learn how to live and work in alignment with who we really are and provides clients with the intuitive insights and practical guidance to uncover the what they came into this life to do. With an approach that is equal parts spiritual and strategic, she’ll help you bring your dream business into reality while helping you navigate the mental, emotional and spiritual blocks that have been holding you back.

Marissa specializes in working with healers, coaches and creatives who want to scale their business to support them full-time. She has a natural ability to meet clients where they are on their spiritual and business journeys and works with them to create personalized strategies so that they can build and scale sustainable businesses that will call in their soul clients and support them far into the future.

Metaphysical Profile: 6/3 Emotional Manifestor with a Cancer Sun and Rising and Pisces Moon and Midheaven.



  • In short, no. This reading provides strategic guidance to help you make your existing (or dream) business financially, energetically, and emotionally sustainable for you. It is my job to empower you to bring your dream to life, not tell you what it should be.

  • Yes, but there will be key components missing. The time of birth is incredibly important for calculating your Rising Sign and Midheaven, which are key pieces of the foundational and success sections of this reading so I recommend you find out you birth time before purchasing.

  • Of course not! However, this portion is just as (if not more) valuable than the reading itself. The coaching is what will really help you personalize these insights to your unique situation and where you want to take your business. But if you prefer to do that piece on your own, you are absolutely free to do that.

  • No! The reading is best suited for service-based businesses, and you can keep the use of astrology entirely behind the scenes if you choose.